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Bonfire Night Safety: Tips for a Safe Fireworks Night

bonfire night, firework safety, Insurance Claim Management

As the skies in November prepare to dazzle with the sparkles of Bonfire Night, ensuring the safety of your family, pets, and property becomes paramount. Guy Fawkes Night, with its display of fireworks and the warmth of bonfires, can be thoroughly enjoyed without incident by following some crucial safety measures.

Bonfire Night Safety Tips:

  • Check for Cables and Obstructions: Before setting up, always check there are no cables above the bonfire or fireworks area to prevent electrical hazards.
  • Keep Pets Indoors: Animals are sensitive to the noise of fireworks. Keep your pets indoors to avoid distress.
  • Follow the Firework Code: Only buy fireworks marked BS 7114, follow the instructions on each firework, and never go back to a lit firework.
  • Light Fireworks at Arm's Length: Use a taper to ignite fireworks and maintain a safe distance.
  • Store Fireworks Safely: Keep fireworks in a closed box and take them out one at a time.
  • Bonfire Placement: Build bonfires away from sheds, trees, and fences to prevent unintentional fires.
  • Supervise Children: Always supervise children to prevent accidents.
  • Bucket of Water/Sand: Keep buckets of water or sand nearby in case of emergencies.
  • Organised Displays: Attend an organised display, as they are often safer and better managed.
  • Abstain from Alcohol: Avoid drinking alcohol when setting off fireworks to maintain full alertness.
  • Post-Celebration Checks: After the festivities, check the area for any remnants that may produce toxic fumes or be a fire hazard.

Ensuring a safe Bonfire Night doesn't need to dampen the festive spirit. By adhering to these guidelines, your evening can be filled with nothing but the light of stars above and the laughter of loved ones around.

Please remember, bonfire night safety isn't just about preventing fires or accidents; it's also about having fun.

Enjoy your celebrations, stay safe!

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