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3 Ways A Loss Assessor Deals With An Insurance Loss Adjuster

Loss Assessors Work Exclusively For Policyholders

One of the few professionals you can trust to help you with your insurance claim is a Loss Assessor. Loss Assessors work exclusively for policyholders, whereas Insurance Loss Adjusters work for insurance companies. When you file an insurance claim, you believe your insurance company will be there to help you in your time of need and provide the service you pay them for. Yet many of them employ tactics and appoint contractors that seek to minimise their costs and reduce their responsibility to you, their customer.

So, who exactly are Insurance Loss Adjusters and Loss Assessors? What have they got to do with your claim, and how are they different from one another? We’ll be answering these questions and how a Loss Assessor deals with an Insurance Loss Adjuster. So you’re completely clear on what it means for you and your claim.

What’s The Difference Between A Loss Assessor And An Insurance Loss Adjuster?

The two titles are very similar and easily confused. All across the internet, the two professional names are erroneously interchanged. Throw in the term ‘Public Loss Assessor’; even the experts can get confused! The main difference you need to know is that Loss Assessors work exclusively for policyholders, whereas Insurance Loss Adjusters are employed by insurance companies to help settle a claim.

Both Loss Assessors and Loss Adjusters are experts in the insurance industry. They understand the claims process, the terminology and the terms and conditions of insurance documents. Both types of professionals are qualified to assess and report on the findings surrounding insurance claims. Both Loss Assessors and Loss Adjusters seek to settle insurance claims efficiently and accurately.

The difference lies in the way in which these tasks are carried out. Insurance Loss Adjusters are employed by insurance companies to assist with particularly complex and significant claims. The main objective is to minimise the cost to the insurer whilst fulfilling their obligation as a service provider. Loss Adjusters may, therefore, use many tactics to delay, reduce or void a claim settlement. On the other hand, Loss Assessors strive to deliver an accurate and realistic settlement for policyholders. So how exactly does a Loss Assessor deal with a Loss Adjuster?

There are three main ways:

1. Loss Assessors Negotiate With Insurance Loss Adjusters

Dealing with insurance Loss Adjusters requires skilful negotiation. Loss Adjusters are great at picking out the small print of policy documents to serve the interests of the insurer. So it’s a must that Loss Assessors are adept at negotiating terms and conditions with them. Loss Assessors make it their business to fully understand all the small print, conditions and hidden clauses within policy documents. They’re familiar with the terminology and can expertly refute any mistakes or inaccuracies by insurers and their Loss Adjusters. Loss Assessors have your back and will work hard to defend your rights.

To that end, Loss Assessors want your voice to be heard. They work on your behalf to give you representation when you need it most. Loss Assessors understand that insurance Loss Adjusters will seek to confuse, stress and undermine your insurance claim as much as possible. Therefore, Loss Assessors aim to give you fair and accurate representation with your insurer. Loss Assessors are the experts you need to understand the claims process, provide an accurate record of events and effectively communicate your position with insurance Loss Adjusters.

Loss Assessors help to keep the lines of communication open. Good communication is vital to moving your claim forward in the right direction. Loss Assessors are professionals who can handle your claim on your behalf without the stress and emotion that come with dealing with a personal claim. They can expertly put your case forward, perfectly articulate your position and rights, and ensure an insurance Loss Adjuster understands your rights will be upheld.

2. Loss Assessors Prioritise Your Claim With Insurance Loss Adjusters

One of the most common complaints from policyholders is the time it takes to settle their claim. The worst Loss Adjusters purposely delay insurance claims to frustrate policyholders and weaken their resolve. They often ignore efforts from policyholders to communicate with them, failing to pick up calls, return voicemails or respond to emails. 

Loss Adjusters can also have hundreds of cases to manage and oversee. It can be an impossible workload, and your claim may take many months to move through a straightforward process. Delays due to caseloads can also mean rushed jobs when your claim finally receives attention. To settle your claim quickly, Loss Adjusters might appoint contractors who are simply available rather than trusted and reliable.

A respected and experienced Loss Assessor such as Oakleafe Claims will make sure your claim is a priority with an insurance Loss Adjuster. They will chase your claim with Loss Adjusters on your behalf, never allowing too much time to pass. Loss Assessors will hold Loss Adjusters accountable, chase them when necessary, and use appropriate coercion to ensure your claim is prioritised rather than forgotten. They can also manage the appointment of contractors so that your needs and requirements are always kept at the forefront of the proceedings.

3. Loss Assessors Win Accurate Settlements With Insurance Loss Adjusters

Policyholders without expert knowledge or a complete understanding of insurance policies and claims will find it challenging to secure an accurate and realistic settlement. The main objective of most Insurance Loss Adjusters is to settle an insurance claim for as little as possible. Many tactics and tricks are employed by Loss Adjusters to reduce the cost to their employer - the insurance company.

Delays to the process, frustration with communications, and arguments over liability all persuade policyholders to agree to the first settlement figure offered. Loss Assessors work for the exact opposite purpose. Experienced Loss Assessors such as Oakleafe Claims have been around long enough to have witnessed all the tricks in the book. They know how to spot stalling tactics, misrepresentation and inaccurate reports.

Loss Assessors not only know what to look for but also have the skills and knowledge to counteract any attempts made by insurance companies and their Loss Adjusters to minimise a settlement. Loss Assessors know what information is essential, what evidence is necessary and how to assess and produce reliable reports to support your claim. They know precisely what the cost of repair and restoration is likely to be, along with expected hidden costs involved with a claim such as yours. Experienced Loss Assessors know what settlement figure you should expect, and their goal is to secure the most accurate and fair settlement for you.


Getting to grips with the various names and terms associated with insurance claims is challenging. One common cause of confusion is the similarity between a Loss Adjuster and a Loss Assessor. Despite their similarity in name, their purposes are vastly different. Loss Assessors work exclusively for policyholders to represent them with their claim. Insurance Loss Adjusters work for the insurance company’s interests and, as such, attempt to minimise settlements. Loss Assessors are incredibly valuable to your insurance claim, particularly if you’re having difficulty communicating with an Insurance Loss Adjuster or believe your claim is being mishandled. Loss Assessors are experts in the insurance industry who know how to deal with Insurance Loss Adjusters and get your settlement paid in full without delay. Loss Assessors deal with Insurance Loss Adjusters in three ways: negotiating terms, prioritising your case and winning an accurate settlement figure. Through open communication, understanding your rights as a policyholder, keeping your insurer accountable and accurately reporting on the incident, a Loss Assessor will handle your claim with even the most difficult Insurance Loss Adjuster.

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