
Top Tips For Burst Pipe Insurance Claims

Top Tips For Burst Pipe Insurance Claims
leak, Loss Assessor, tips & advice, water damage

When the chilling frost of winter sets in, it's not just our bodies that need protection from the cold. The water pipes that bring water flowing into our homes can freeze, resulting in a potential burst pipe. Dealing with the aftermath can be costly, but that's where your insurance comes in. Here are the top tips for managing burst pipe insurance claims.

Understanding the Threat of Frozen Pipes

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of insurance claims, let's first understand the risk. The cold weather can make water in your pipes freeze. When water freezes, it expands, causing immense pressure on your water pipes, potentially leading to a leak or burst. This issue predominantly affects pipes in unheated indoor areas like basements, attics, and in the roof space where warm air is minimal.

Prevention is Better Than Cure

The first tip is to prevent your pipes from freezing in the first place. An approved plumber can insulate your pipes, especially those exposed to the cold air to circulate, reducing the risk of pipes freezing.

You could also use hot water bottles or leave your heating on a low setting, even when you're out, to ensure warm air circulates around your property. Another precaution is to leave taps open to drain the system, minimising the chance of water freezing within the pipes.

Quick Action is Key

If you discover a frozen or burst pipe, it's crucial to act quickly to minimise the damage.

First, you should turn off the water supply using your stop tap. This will halt any further water flowing from the burst pipe.

Try to remove any belongings from the vicinity to limit the damage caused by escaping water. Your insurance company will need to know what loss or damage to your home has been caused, so taking pictures and making a detailed list of any affected items can speed up your insurance claims process.

Can I claim for a burst water pipes on insurance?

According to the Association of British Insurers, water damage is usually covered in your building insurance policy under, 'Escape of Water'. This can include burst pipes, leaking appliances, or an overflowing toilet. Escape of water damage is one of the most common types of domestic insurance claims, with insurance companies average insurance paying out £1.8 million every day for water damage in domestic properties.

Making Your Insurance Claim

Once the immediate threat is under control, it's time to start your claim. Contact your insurance company to report the water leak as soon as possible, providing them with all the details of the incident.

Including the steps you took to prevent the burst (like having an approved plumber insulate your pipes or leaving your heating on), can help to show that you took reasonable steps to prevent the damage.

Working with Professionals

Remember, your insurance company might want a professional assessment of the damage. Involving an approved plumber early on can not only help fix the issue but also provide a detailed report about the cause and extent of the damage. This report can be invaluable when making your insurance claim.

What To Expect With A Burst Pipe Insurance Claim?

Expect your insurer to investigate all the details surrounding your burst pipe insurance claim. It's a good idea to familiarise yourself with the circumstances surrounding the burst pipe in your home before submitting your claim, so you're not baffled when put on the spot. The insurance company will look at things such as:

  • Weather conditions such as freezing temperature.
  • The heating system of your home.
  • The state of the pipe.

Arm yourself with knowledge about these facts and circumstances so that you're able to give confident and clear answers when submitting your insurance claim. After you've submitted your insurance claim, your insurer will send out a loss adjuster to assess the damage and report back to the insurance company.

The loss adjuster works on behalf of your insurance company. Your insurance company will provide you with a settlement figure based on their loss adjusters' evaluations, likely to be the minimum necessary to cover the cost of restoring your home to its original condition.

Your insurer will not expect you to negotiate the figure, so equip yourself with knowledge and use the following tips to confidently mediate a decent and proper settlement figure. It is recommended to engage a independent Loss Assessor to look over the small print of your policy for you, such as Oakleafe Claims to ensure you and your home are protected.

Handshake between a Loss Adjuster and the home owner making a claim
It is important to arm yourself with knowledge of your claim when negotiating with your insurer.

Top Tips For Getting Your Burst Pipe Insurance Claim Accepted

To give yourself the best chance of having your Claim accepted you should:

  • Make sure that you understand your insurance policy.
  • File your burst pipe claim as soon as possible.
  • Keep all documents related to your claim and its cost.
  • Provide clear and detailed information about your claim.
  • Remain organised, confident and knowledgeable.

Understand your Insurance policy

Understand your insurance policy, if necessary, with the help of a Loss Assessor such as Oakleafe Claims so you're confident and able to dispute any falsehoods with your insurer. Let your insurer know you understand your policy, position and rights; your claim is more likely to be handled fairly and in good time. Familiarising yourself with the details of your policy also means you're aware and knowledgeable about specific guidelines to follow for your burst pipe insurance claim. If you do not adhere to such guidelines you could invalidate your claim.

home insurance policy
Understanding your home Insurance policy will help you know your rights and ensure that your claim is handled fairly.


Experiencing a burst pipe can be daunting, but knowing how to prevent it and how to navigate a successful insurance claim can make the situation more manageable. So, ensure you've taken all the precautions against cold weather, have a plan of action for a potential leak or burst, and maintain open communication with your insurance company. By doing so, you're well-equipped to handle any burst pipe situation that may arise.

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If you have been declined whilst trying to claim on your domestic or commercial insurance, we can help. We can also help with professional services, for example, Brokers, VAR Valuations and Managing Agents.
