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Subrogation: How It Works in Insurance Claims

Subrogation: How It Works in Insurance Claims
appliance, Electrical Fire, Loss Assessor, Subrogation

Understand the concept of subrogation in insurance claims, its importance for insurance companies, and how it applies in cases involving faulty appliances causing house fires.

Subrogation can be a confusing term for many people when dealing with insurance claims. This jargon-busting blog aims to provide a clear understanding of subrogation when it is used in insurance claims and its importance for insurance companies. We will also discuss a real-life example involving a faulty appliance causing a house fire and present a relevant statistic on insurance claims caused by faulty appliances in the UK.

What is Subrogation?

Subrogation is a legal principle that allows an insurance company to recover the money paid out to a policyholder from a third party insurance policy that is responsible for the damages or loss. Essentially, the insurer "steps into the shoes" of the policyholder and will file a claim and pursues compensation from the at-fault party. This process helps insurance companies recover their losses, which in turn can lead to lower premiums for policyholders.

When is Subrogation Used in Insurance Claims?

Subrogation is often used when a third party is found to be at fault for causing the insured event. This can include a car accident, property damage, or in cases where a faulty product leads to a house fire.

Example: Faulty Appliance Causing a House Fire leading to Subrogation

Let's consider an example where a homeowner's insurance policy covers a house fire caused by a faulty appliance. In this scenario, the insurance company pays the homeowner's claim for the damages caused by the fire. After an investigation, it is discovered that the appliance's manufacturer is responsible for the fire due to a manufacturing defect, in tern leading to subrogation.

According to a study conducted by Electrical Safety First in the UK, nearly 60 house fires per week were caused by faulty appliances between 2019-2020. In such cases, subrogation allows the insurance company to recoup its money from the manufacturer after compensating the homeowner for their losses. The insurer may take legal action against the manufacturer to recover the money paid out in the claim, holding the responsible party accountable.

Click here to read more about dangerous appliances and how to prevent house fire


Why is Subrogation Important for Insurance Companies?

Subrogation is essential for insurance companies for several reasons:

  1. Cost recovery: Subrogation helps insurance companies recover the costs they have paid out in claims, reducing their overall losses.
  2. Fairness: Subrogation ensures that the responsible party, rather than the insurance company and its policyholders, bears the financial burden of the loss.
  3. Lower premiums: By recovering losses through subrogation, insurance companies can maintain lower premiums for their policyholders. This is because the insurer can offset the costs associated with claims pay-outs.
  4. Accountability: Subrogation holds the responsible parties accountable for their actions or negligence, which may lead to increased safety standards and improved manufacturing practices in the future.

Subrogation is a crucial aspect of the insurance claim process, allowing insurers to recover their losses from at-fault parties. This legal principle is particularly important in cases involving faulty appliances causing house fires, ensuring that manufacturers are held accountable for their actions. By understanding the concept of subrogation, you can better appreciate its importance in maintaining a fair and efficient insurance system.


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